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Welcome to Heartfelt Teaching


We specialise in support for Mental Health and Wellbeing in Primary Schools. We believe that all school staff should be educated and supported in understanding how the adult- child relationship impacts on the development of a child’s brain. Through helping adults and children to build strong relationships with awareness, reflection and emotional regulation this enables young people to fulfil potential.


Heartfelt Teaching believes in building your capacity to support Mental Health and Wellbeing by developing sustainable practical solutions. Relationships are at the centre of our approach, recognising the significance of these for child development. We offer information and support for staff and parents as well as children and young people.


We provide integrative systemic approaches based on neuroscience, trauma, mental health and attachment perspectives and the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). This promotes positive behaviour and develops optimum conditions for teaching and learning in schools.


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Our Services

Heartfelt Teaching offers a wide range of services including:



'I liked having time out every week to ‘stop’ and reflect on my own practice. It has allowed me to positively adapt my practice. I have really developed a good understanding of how the brain works and how we as teachers and adults can help to develop this and help them eventually self-regulate. The programme has enabled me to slow down and really be curious about a child’s feelings and behaviour, so that I can regulate them. I have stepped back and I am much more curious. The most valuable part was having the 1:1 sessions to be able to really delve into my application of the programme over the past weeks. It helped me think through what did or didn’t work and how to move forward. The lasting impact will be passing this on to the rest of the team so we are all working from the same page. The children are really responding to PACE and the problem-solving steps. This will be great once all of EYFS are on board and it can filter up the school.' 

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